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Beyond Tizen APIs - Using Crosswalk Extension Framework to create your own APIs

Crosswalk Extension Framework is a powerful tool for extending Tizen by allowing developers to create their own custom APIs. These APIs can act as a bridge from the JavaScript code to the native code.

The Crosswalk Extension Framework can be used to emulate different web frameworks inside Tizen, such as implementing an Apache Cordova compatibility layer for easy porting web applications, filling the gap when polyfill is not possible.

Multiuser mode in Tizen 3

The multiuser mode is a new feature of Tizen 3. Tizen 3 support of multi user is aiming at enabling multiple profile in connected devices. The presentation will focus on the changes induced by enabling multiuser in Tizen 3.
Traditionally, Tizen has always been single-user ; however, real-world use cases advocate for a multi-user model. per-user settings, private or shared applications, shareable contents …

Kdbus in Tizen 3.0

The kdbus is the low-level, native kernel D-Bus transport and actively developing now. We are trying to replace socket based D-Bus with kdbus based D-Bus on Tizen 3.0 and its products. We have faced many challenges such as compatibility, security, performance, and others. In this presentation, we will share our experience, the current state, the plans, and the benchmark result. We look forward to replacing socket based D-Bus with kdbus based D-Bus for Linux devices, providing better performance transparently.

Tizen 3D UI, building exciting UIs

Tizen 3D UI is one of the key new features for Tizen 3.0. It is provided by DALi 3D engine, which is a cutting edge high performance, low power consumption 3D engine built on top of latest OpenGL ES rendering technology. DALi provides 60fps rendering along with a rich set of effects and features. DALi also includes tools such as GUI builder to allows fast creation of applications for Tizen Mobile and Tizen TV.

Secure Your Apps With Artichokes

Web applications use system resources to provide their value. Some system resources are restricted to only those applications that have been authorized to use them. Tizen 3.0 introduces a new application privilege system called Karczoch (Artichoke in English). Karczoch integrates Smack kernel based mandatory access control and user based limitations with application manifests and process based services. Karczoch provides for user prompting and a settings interface for "ask once" and other powerful controls.
