Beyond Tizen APIs - Using Crosswalk Extension Framework to create your own APIs

Crosswalk Extension Framework is a powerful tool for extending Tizen by allowing developers to create their own custom APIs. These APIs can act as a bridge from the JavaScript code to the native code.

The Crosswalk Extension Framework can be used to emulate different web frameworks inside Tizen, such as implementing an Apache Cordova compatibility layer for easy porting web applications, filling the gap when polyfill is not possible.

Sometimes a company relies on IP deployed as binary blobs, so the Extension Framework can make the link between the binary blob (like a bank authentication token generator) and the UI frontend, developed using web technologies.

Web applications doing data crunch can be optimized using an extension specially crafted for this purpose, making use of CPU primitives that only native code can access.

Thiago Marcos Pinto Santos, Intel
Continental 5
Scheduled Time: 
Wednesday, 4 June 2014 - 11:25am to 12:05pm