ARM Reference Kernel of Tizen 3

Since the release of Tizen 2 and its sub versions with Linux 3.0-based Tizen ARM reference kernel, the Linux kernel has evolved quite a bit and the code quality of Tizen 2 reference kernel is not satisfying most vendors who want to make their own Tizen BSP based on it.

The Kernel and System-FW part of Tizen team, is aware of it--we are the ones who need to maintain and port it for others and release the new Tizen reference kernel to public. The new Tizen ARM reference kernel has been available to public since 2013.Q4 although we are actively adding new devices and features to the kernel and its neighbor packages as of now.

In this presentation, we introduce new features and supported devices of the new reference kernel. We will also explain how product vendors, component vendors, SoC vendors, or even porting enthuists can exploit the reference kernel for their purposes.

MyungJoo Ham, Samsung
Continental 5
Scheduled Time: 
Wednesday, 4 June 2014 - 9:00am to 9:40am