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Rosnąca świadomość ekologiczna i spadek cen paneli fotowoltaicznych przy jednoczesnym wzroście tychże pochodzących z tradycyjnych źródeł energii sprawiły, że globalne inwestycje w moc słoneczną w ostatnich latach liczone są w setkach miliardów dolarów. W niektórych krajach Unii Europejskiej (takich jak Niemcy, Hiszpania, Holandia czy Włochy), cała moc osiągnięta z ogniw słonecznych spowodowała, iż stały się one konkurencyjne względem energetyki tradycyjnej.

HERE Location offering for Tizen

Power your Tizen based application with HERE maps; one of the world‘s best location cloud. Whether you want to create Native apps or HTML5 based apps. We believe HERE location based services will be one of the best options available. For those interested in web based development, The Maps Engine powered by HERE it will offer Tizen developers a rich subset of Java script based features to integrate in their apps.

What We Learned From Porting 50+ Cloud Apps to Tizen

In a recent project we ported over 50 cloud applications to Tizen. The list included all sorts of apps from text editors, spreadsheets and other productivity tools to graphics and creative programs to interactive games. While Tizen provides advanced capabilities and API for creating world-class applications, this project was not exactly a straightforward experience. We’ve discovered a lot about Tizen, which broadened our vision on developing cross-platform cloud applications.

The XPlatform Ecosystem

Learn how to leverage the cross platform ecosystem to bring great apps to Tizen easily and efficiently. Each set of tools has differences that you need to understand to bring the best app to market. You'll learn the benefits of many leading tools in a side by side comparison. Now more than 12 cross platform tools use appscore to qualify apps for valuable incentives from operating systems and partner stores. Learn what goes into the evaluation of your apps--and what it takes to get a great score.

It’s time to replace your wallet with mobile Tizen devices!

Mobile payment is one of the key features for mobile devices include phone, wearable and other devices. With this feature mobile devices can be used to complete an exchange of currency in return for goods and services, it can replace cash, checks, credit card and debit card which greatly improve the convenience for commerce activities and enhance mobile user experience. In this presentation, Arron will introduce NFC-based mobile payment solution for Tizen.