Tizen Native UI - A True & Free Software Graphical Toolkit Designed for the Embedded World/Tizen原生UI,一款为嵌入式世界设计,真正免费的图形软件工具集

The Enlightenment Foundation Libraries (EFL) are used by Samsung on Tizen for Mobile, Camera, TV and Wearable devices to deliver high quality, reactive graphical experiences. EFL was designed from the get-go to deliver the best possible result with any given hardware, and it does this by providing a few configuration options and tools to adapt as much as possible to the specific hardware. This talk will start with a brief overview of EFL, and continue with a review of the techniques that are available when designing a new device to optimize the use of its hardware. It will also cover standard open source contribution practices so the attendees can learn what it takes to contribute to open source communities like EFL.

Cedric Bail
Scheduled Time: 
星期四, 17 九月 2015 - 从 2:20下午3:10下午