It’s time to replace your wallet with mobile Tizen devices!

Mobile payment is one of the key features for mobile devices include phone, wearable and other devices. With this feature mobile devices can be used to complete an exchange of currency in return for goods and services, it can replace cash, checks, credit card and debit card which greatly improve the convenience for commerce activities and enhance mobile user experience. In this presentation, Arron will introduce NFC-based mobile payment solution for Tizen. He will introduce the architecture of NFC payment, discuss the current status of the stack and give two live examples for our Tizen phone acting as the subway card and electronic wallet. finally we will give the debugs tips and how to fix problems we face when we enable the feature for Tizen IA phone.

Arron Wang, Intel
Continental 1-3
Scheduled Time: 
수요일, 4 6월 2014 - 9:00am 에서 9:40am